Zelya Energy

Zelya Energy offers services tailored to support the development of the photovoltaic sector, catering to the needs of investors, local authorities, and producers.

Our team has worked on numerous photovoltaic projects and power plants, in both the planning and operational phases, providing support and expertise on regulatory issues, connection, economic valuation, and performance improvement.

Solar market experts consultants

With our regulatory, technical, and financial expertise, our company is here to guide you through every step of your projects :

  • What regulatory requirements apply to your solar plant projects?
  • What should you review when acquiring a solar plant?
  • What is your site's potential and its associated net annual energy output?
  • How can you project feed-in tariffs and future selling prices?
  • What are the necessary procedures for development and grid connection?
  • How should you assess the selling price of a photovoltaic plant project or portfolio?

For twenty years we have been helping energy groups, industrial actors and institutional stakeholders in this market, such as First Solar, Satcon, European Energy, Lampiris, Alpiq, Eneco, Enfinity, Proener, la Caisse des dépôts...

Audit and management of a photovoltaic plant through a mobile application

Applications and Dashboards

Application for control and analysis of solar plants

Real-time analysis of shutdowns and alarms; automated creation of monthly audits

Recommendations for improving performance 

Solar market experts consultants

Examples of assignments

Technical and regulatory assistance for power grid connection 

Due diligence and financial valuation of solar plants and portfolios

Creating applications for monitoring and performance analysis of solar plants

European market study for solar module manufacturing

Current state and future prospects of solar energy on a regional scale

Assistance in the establishment of a photovoltaic equipment manufacturing company

  See more client references


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