Zelya Energy

Zelya, advice in the operation of energy markets, their transition and regulation

Our technical audit services can concern energy projects under development or already-existing infrastructures: hydro-powerplants, wind farms, solar plants, LNG plants, gas combined cycle powerplants, gas and electricity networks...

Every request from our clients is subject to a detailed analysis of their needs, tailored to their objectives:

  • Assistance in preparing due diligence, business plans, or term sheets for acquisition purposes.
  • Assessment of structural reliability, including:
    • Valuation of the track records of power turbines or energy installations;
    • Examination of maintenance records, encompassing all conducted repairs and inspections.
  • Site visits and diagnostics in the context of insurance policy negotiations.
  • Providing decision support tools for the implementation of operation and maintenance reporting.

We mobilize our best experts, engineers, and technicians to conduct comprehensive diagnostics of the real or foreseeable condition of existing equipment.

The experience and high level of training of our experts ensure a strategic and operational, concise, fast, and quality deliverable, perfectly adapted to the specific needs and problems of our clients.

For example, in the field of electricity production:

Our diagnostics include a complete analysis of a power plant, its availability, performance, as well as any potential technical failures.

Technical due diligence of operating or developing power plants: it allows to validate the general technical characteristics of a power plant or a project and to quantify the uncertainties and risks on the values retained for the deposit or the producible. We ensure the collection and quantitative analysis of the history of availability rates and flow and production data, as well as the maintenance interventions of the power plant.

Study of the technical conditions of connection to electrical networks: consists of validating the connection conditions and checking their optimization in terms of losses, unavailability, shedding

On-site audit: aims to analyze the technical performance of the mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic equipment of the power plant and to make recommendations on the general state of the installations and the replacement needs.

Performance and failure risk study of an operating power plant: aims to identify the origins of the under-optimization of the producible given the conditions of its operation, maintenance, or hazards on the deposit. This analysis allows evaluating the relevance of the insurance policies subscribed or readjusting them.

See our Customer references


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In other energy sectors:

Our firm regularly intervenes on assets and projects in the electricity, renewables, gas, heat, or network sectors. Every request from our clients is subject to a detailed analysis of needs based on objectives (renegotiation of insurance contracts, support in acquisition negotiations, implementation of operation and maintenance control, etc.), to which we associate adapted resources and experiences to solve their problems and anticipate the main risks.

Due diligence and strategic expert in thermal power plant mergers and acquisitions

Thermal power plants

Technical and commercial due diligence of several CCGT power plants for a total of more than 4 GW in Europe

merger-acquisition consultants, due diligence in the natural gas sector

Gas and power networks, storage

Due diligence and technical audits of storage companies, LNG and gas and electricity transport for investment amounts of several billion euros

merger-acquisition consultants in the renewable energy sector


Technical due diligence and performance optimization on projects from 3 to more than 100 MW for clients such as Satcon, First Solar, Lampiris, Alpiq, Eneco, Caisse des dépôts, European Energy...

M&A consultants in the digitalization and energy transition sector

Wind Energy

Technical audits or implementation of optimization tools for the operation of nearly a hundred wind parks and projects, for clients such as BKW, Eos, SNCF, Lampiris, Alpiq, Eneco, Enfinity, Proener, Caisse des dépôts...

consultants due diligence and evaluation of dams and hydroelectric power plants


Audit and technical monitoring of hydroelectric concessions from 8 to 84 MW, and of about fifty micro power plants of a few MW, for clients such as Alpiq, Eos, Statkraft, Eneco, Enfinity, CDC, GEG....


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